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发布时间: 2020年02月15日 编辑: 采访部1

校新闻网讯(国际学院供稿)2月14日,目前最好的足彩app商务部高级援外学历学位专项计划项目(MOFCOM奖学金)学员之一,国际贸易专业博士生Bashar Jaber(中文名姜柏青)在阿拉伯媒体平台上发表文章《团结中国人民是人道主义责任》。文中叙述了他来中国后的所闻、所见、所想,约旦在华学生对武汉及中国疫情的关切,以及自发组织的捐赠活动等。文章表达了对中国的强烈支持,对中国政府采取一系列积极措施尽力阻止疫情向其他国家扩散给予充分肯定,再次呼吁国际社会多做真实的、正面的、积极的宣传,遏制错误的、不实的虚假信息和谣言,避免误导国际社会和世界各国人民。


Solidarity with the Chinese people is a humanitarian duty

(来源:chinainarabic 2020-2-14)

Since Five years ago, I have been in China for the first time and I was amazed of what am seeing at that time, in terms of technological, industrial and urban progress in this country, which appears at first glance as an active beehive. However, the most thing attracted me in China is the "people", and their characteristics; simplicity and peacefulness, even more than that their respect and appreciation for others.

Today, this nation is undergoing compelling circumstances that any nation may be exposed to, namely the crisis of the novel corona virus (nCoV-2019). that struck the heart of China "Wuhan" at the end of the year 2019, which changed China plans and turned life upside down, and resulted in more than (1,380) victims until writing these lines, and more than (64) thousand infected, beside ten thousand suspected cases, and the numbers are increasing day by day.

China did not call for supplies or requested an aid from the countries around the world, they asked a simpler things instead. They asked for solidarity and respect for their suffering. They also called on the international community to curb and cut rumours and exaggerations that attempts to cause panic in the Chinese community, and reduces the efforts of the Chinese dragon combating this epidemic, that what Intentionally affect a negative psychological impact on the soldiers mentality , who were fighting in the front lines all over the country and protect their people and the world from this outbreak of the "devil".

At the same time, I am heartened by the overwhelming response of the Arab community in China to the tragedy, which had a date with magnanimity, it stood by China from the first moment until now. Many Arabs who remain living in China, and a few of them in Wuhan whom refused to leave, putting their love and solidarity with China. Recently these days, my colleague Mr Marwan Tawileh (PhD student) and Mrs Leen Asslan (Master Student), in cooperation with the Jordanian Embassy in Beijing, organized an initiative called “Supporting Wuhan” on behalf of many Jordanian friends of China, in order to buy very needed medical supplies and present them as a contribution to the Chinese nation in this crisis, in addition with a support of many Arabs donated outside this initiative.

 Despite the symbolism of this campaign, the warming that this initiative success has received from the Chinese friends been very impressive, and it reached from our hearts directly to their hearts. Nevertheless, I still regret what I saw from some of the “sick” souls or “deceived” who are gloating about this nation which is traumatized by the death of a number of its good people, whom been defending the whole world. And I wonder, "What if an ordeal hit those gloaters? How they will respond to those who gloats them?"

Author: Bashar Jaber, a member of the International Federation of Arab Journalists and Writers Friends and Allies of China, a Jordanian political and economic analyst, and PhD student - International Trade, University of International Business and Economics (UIBE). MOFCOM scholarship student.








China's commitment and the duty of the international community against the Corona-virus 

       China did not have the opportunity to breathe from the end of the trade war before entering a new war against the novel corona virus (nCoV), the "devil" that fights it from within. In the end of the year of 2019, China notified the World Health Organization (WHO) of the existence of a highly contagious epidemic which is known as  nCoV, and a series of gradual preventive measures has been taken since then, including a complete closure of the epidemic centre of “Hubei” Province and its capital “Wuhan”, which is located in the geographic centre of China, to rationing the existence  of the epidemic in all provinces where it has reached.

       As it is said, misfortunes never come alone, the timing of the epidemic may be one of the key factors that contributed to its outbreak, as it happened at the beginning of the Chinese new year holiday on 24th of January,  2020, lasting for a whole week, with families and citizens all over the country travelling domestically and externally, which provided a “free ride” for the virus to spread with the help of the travelers. China Immediately imposed a quarantine on the city of “Wuhan” to stop the spreading of the virus, it subsequently obliged citizens to stay at their homes in areas where the epidemic had spread too -if there was no emergency cases- and extended the Chinese New Year's holiday as well. In most places, there would be one "member" from each family got the permission to go out to make daily purchases to meet their essential needs. Army mobilized medical assistance in the afflicted districts, and the “genome” of the virus has been made public and shared with the international community in order to  find an effective treatment for this malicious virus. 

       Social medias has been reporting painful videos of the sufferings of Chinese people, from which we noticed a nurse who addressed her daughter from a distance for the fear of the possibility that the disease might be transmitted to her. In another video we found that drones were used to address passers-by in the streets or farmers in the villages with “the need to wear masks” in order to prevent them from the disease. What caught my eyes are the modern technologies  used to fight the epidemic, in addition to what looks like flexing muscles of the Chinese dragon by building a specialized hospital in 10 days to contain and treat those affected by the epidemic, as well as new cleansing "robots" that are currently being used in Wuhan.

       During this ordeal, China has been trying to fulfil its duty towards its citizens, and indeed the whole world, by protecting it from the spread of epidemic, which became strong evidence against with what I saw on social media sites and what I read in the Western press in particular. Some of them described the disease as “Chinese Corona” or “Divine punishment”, others refused to receive the Chinese because of discrimination and fear, and many countries banned the Chinese from entering their countries at a time when they needed the international community to stand by them, the responsible body concerned with this issue ,the World Health Organization (WHO), praised the efforts of China in its war on the epidemic and did not restrict traveling or trades to and from China, in addition to that, WHO prohibited the promotion of stigma or discrimination in accordance with the world health regulations.

       Even the transparency of China by publishing data on the spread of the disease and the numbers of the infected fought by rumour, we found sites that published numbers of hundreds of thousands of infected, knowing that the numbers did not exceed (38) thousand infected until the 9th of February, and the number of new confirmed infected cases also began to decrease. In the meantime, the percentage of deaths in China from this disease about (2%) of them (96%) is within the "Hubei" district epidemic centre and only (4%) in the rest of China, furthermore, the death rates outside China dropped to only (0.25%). World Health Organization welcomed the transparency of China and the measures taken to control the spread of the virus.

       In conclusion, China today is much stronger than itself (17) years ago when it fought and triumphed over the SARS epidemic, which is more deadly than the nCoV.  With the modern techniques (simulating science fiction movies) that we see and hear about every day, my confidence increases with the ability of China to overcome the current crisis, but it remains for the international community to help China with its plight or at least to "curb" the media that publishes false news and rumors to attract more readers, which spreads Hollywood classic horror in the hearts of the vulnerable in this world.


(来源:chinainarabic 2020-2-13)











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